
11 Best Google AdSense Approval Tips for New Websites

As a beginner blogger, If you want to convert your blog into a money-making blog. Google Adsense is the number 1 ad network you can use to monetize your blog. We never thought to write an article on Google AdSense approval tips as there are plenty of them already registered on the Internet.

But, we changed our decision to post an article on Google AdSense approval tips and the reason behind this is that google disapproved our account a few months before.

If you ask how to get google AdSense approval in 1 minute, you are at the wrong place because Google takes its own time, which you can’t eliminate.

Before applying, we have read many articles shared by different bloggers and experts about Google AdSense approval tips and noted all the points. But still, we got disapproved, which frustrated us.

Then, we decided to read and note all the guidelines of Google Adsense and the points shared by other webmasters about Google AdSense approval tips. And after implementing all the basic rules on this website, we got the AdSense approval within 24 hours.

So, today we are sharing our strategy about Google AdSense approval tips, which will help get your AdSense account approved and start monetization on your blog.

Best Google AdSense Approval Tips

All bloggers, business owners, and entrepreneurs who have suffered from disapproval or looking to apply for Google AdSense make sure you read and cover every point featured below before applying to AdSense.

How Does Google AdSense Approval Process work?

Best Google AdSense Approval Tips for New Websites
Best Google AdSense Approval Tips for New Websites

Google has its Adsense Policy guide that can teach step by step what to do to get AdSense approval and avoid banning in case of phishing activities done by you or other website visitors.

Google Adsense Team normally takes 1 to 4 weeks of time to analyse and approve your account and you can reapply in case of rejection after 7 days only.

Google AdSense Approval Tips

Nobody can tell you the exact reason for rejection except Google itself. However, they email back with a common link that lands you on their policy page. Now you have to figure out the issue on your own.

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6 Easy Steps to Get Google Adsense Approval Fast

Best Google AdSense Approval Tips for New Websites

Let’s track all the parameters we need to take consider before applying. The days passed when getting Google Adsense approval fast was a big deal. People faced many difficulties; however, we encountered many scenarios where people got approval for their 1-week old blogs without much content.

Get Google AdSense Approval With New Website in: 3 days

  1. User Interface

    Google always looks for a clean, smooth, and informative website rather than heavily designed unmanaged. Make sure your website is clear, and every information is available within 3 clicks to the user, even on internal pages.

  2. Content is King

    It is the most significant point of rejection from the Google Adsense Approval Team. Your website should have enough content, with quality and quantity managed appropriately. In our case, we had just 12 Blog posts written on our website, and all the posts were more than 1300 words with proper usage of images, On-page SEO, Alt tags, and a clear call to action.

  3. Comments and Shares

    Please manage to get social shares and blog post comments. It helps increase the chances of quick approval. Though Google doesn’t specify this requirement, it worked in our case.

  4. Plagiarism Free Content

    When you start to write content, you sometimes get no ideas on how to proceed further, or you copy-paste other website content or spin content using spinners. Google crawlers are smart enough to check plagiarized content, and you’ll not get approval from the AdSense team for sure. You will also get penalized by Google for copied content, and you may incur​ huge losses in terms of traffic and earnings. Better avoid at any case. Content must be accessible and self-written.

  5. Use Accurate Personal Information

    Provide accurate personal information with your application that matches the information on your domain registration. Otherwise, this raises red flags for Google, and they might think your site is illegitimate.

  6. Blog Logo and Favicon

    Having a blog logo and favicon is not much related to Adsense account approval; however, it gives uniqueness to your website, which he helpful for account approval.

Yes, Google Adsense approval is difficult but not impossible. You can follow our simple Google Adsense approval tips to get your account approved within no time. If you develop the website keeping Google Adsense policies in mind, getting a fully activated Adsense account is very easy.

Best Google AdSense Approval Tips for New Websites
Adsense Disapproval – Best Google AdSense Approval Tips

1. Get Your Website Indexed by Google

It should be your first step when thinking about applying for AdSense. Before moving on to other parameters, AdSense makes sure that your website is indexed in Google.

Whether Google indexes it or not, checking your website is easy. All you need is to type – in Google and look at whether the pages from your site are shown up.

Well, if your website content is not shown up in Google results! You can manually submit your website for indexing to Google through the search console dashboard.

2. Use Top-Level Domains

We included this point as top-level domains like .com, .net .org, etc., look authentic and cause no problem for Google to approve your AdSense quickly.

Domains .tk, .pa, .sdk look spammy or related to the black hat world. Even free domains like or get delayed approval or no approval at all.

3. Use Domain Email Address

The domain email address represents authenticity to Google. Like Make sure you write this address on the contact form.

Try to make it less confusing for Google and your website visitor to contact you.

4. Unique and High-Quality content

Every blogger mentions this point in their blog posts and Google too: Google AdSense approval tips:

  • Unique and high-quality content is something that you should always maintain not only for AdSense approval but to rank your blog post on Google too.
  • You can only get visitors to your site if you provide values to their problems, ultimately a large audience visiting your site will result in generating high revenue from AdSense.

5. Update Important Pages

From Google's perspective, linking essential pages to your website at the correct location is very important. Google makes sure that audiences can quickly contact you if they have any trouble with your website or want to discuss any deal with you.

1. Privacy Policy

Every business site must have a privacy statement featured. Bloggers belonging to any niche can have a comment policy also.

2. About Us

Describe your website content as to what the user will get from it, and then do mention about yourself. According to us, the About page is one of the most substantial pages that can build a strong connection between you and people worldwide.

3. Contact Us

Make it as simple as possible. Don’t stuff your services and promote stuff on the Contact page. Place your email domain address clearly to get spotted by the user and Google easily.

4. Sitemap

Google treats this page to understand the flow of your website. Check whether all your posts, pages, and categories are well linked on the sitemap page. To clarify, we are talking about HTML sitemap, not XML sitemap.

5. Disclaimer

To get a better idea, you can see our Disclaimer page. These pages should be in the header or footer sections of your business website or blog.

6. Don't Focus on Number of Blog Posts

The most common discussion topic for applying for AdSense is – How many blog posts or content you should have before applying for AdSense?

As mentioned by many writers, there is no need to wait for 25-30 posts.

Trust us. You will be simply wasting time doing so. Well, at least 5-10 with a reasonable length of around 900 words.

More the organic visitors more revenue you will be generating from Adsense, but it has nothing to do with Google AdSense approval.

Best Google AdSense Approval Tips

Why 5-10 Articles Only.? 
5-10 articles on your blog will help readers engage and rank on Google SERPs! It is an incredible catch for you to grab organic leads.

7. Don't Wait to Get Your Blog Older

Thinking of, How old your blog should be?

You definitely might have heard a lot that your blogging website should be 6 months or 2 months old, and some even say a year. Even if your blog has not been completed in a month, you will get AdSense approval.

8. Don't Place 3rd Party Ads and Banners

Best Google AdSense Approval Tips for New Websites
No Other Ads – Best Google AdSense Approval Tips

Google AdSense doesn’t prefer any other advertising on your platforms. However, certain Advertisement services are Google AdSense friendly like, AdSterra, Amazon affiliates, etc.

We have specifically mentioned banners here. Now, banners here refer to both the advertisement service and the affiliate networks.

We had placed affiliate banners on our sidebar, which was when we got denied by Google AdSense. You do not risk and remove all the banners from your website for quick approval.

9. Don't Use Make Money Online Category or Restricted Content

Google hates categories and topics like Making money online, gambling, adult, violent and hateful posts. Remove those categories, restricted content, and related posts.

If you want to keep the category like Make Money Online, wait until AdSense approval, after which you can feature your category on your website.

10. No Need to Building Up Traffic

Traffic is not required!

We are saying this because Google will not calculate your traffic for approval. People mention this point on their blogs to convey the importance of traffic monetizing with Google AdSense.

11. Maintaining Alexa Rank is not Nessecery for Adsense Approval

Google has nothing to do with Alexa!

Don’t wait by making efforts to bring your Alexa rank up and get busy building the backlinks. No Need. Enjoy making money on the table right from the start.

FAQs About Best Google AdSense Approval Tips

  1. How to get Google AdSense approval in 1 minute?

    The quickest you can expect to get approved is within 24-48 hours. If you ask how to get google AdSense approval in 1 minute, you are at the wrong place because Google takes its own time, which you can’t eliminate.

  2. How much traffic need to apply Google AdSense to the website?

    You don't need a set amount of organic traffic to be eligible for Adsense. There is no requirement for minimum traffic. But sites with no traffic or almost none are usually getting a hard time getting approval.

  3. How to get accepted to AdSense?

    4 things are the most important for getting approved by Adsense.
    1. A website with good site navigation.
    2. A great website with unique and original content.
    3. A website with some organic traffic.
    4. When you add the Adsense ads the first time, make sure to place the ads above the fold.

Final Words on Best Google AdSense Approval Tips for New Websites

If you follow all the rules mentioned above and follow every basic rule that Google features, you will get AdSense approval in your first attempt.

Once you get Google Adsense approval, it’s your responsibility to secure your Adsense account from invalid clicks. Because most of the time, Adsense blocked your Adsense account for Invalid Clicks, and after that, it’s challenging to get back your ID. So for this, if you are using a blogger, then it’s tough to secure your Adsense, but in WordPress, there are lots of plugins. With the help of these plugins, you can use secured Adsense for Invalid clicks.

Don’t forget to share it with your fellow bloggers and friends who are still struggling to get their AdSense account approved.

Let us know if you have any queries related to AdSense approval, and we would love to answer them.

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