Best SEO Guide of 2025 to Improve Search Engine Rankings

The hardest part about SEO is its uncertainty. Google updates its algorithm 3-6 times a year. That means there’s approximately one update every two months of the year. Even SEO specialists who dedicate their whole life’s work to figuring out rank criteria are scratching their heads at the end of the day.
Search Engine Ranking Factors: Best SEO Guide to Improve Search Engine Rankings
4/17/2023 Update
SEO is the best way to get free and targeted traffic and, thus, more profits. After reading this best SEO guide, you can quickly improve your search engine results, despite the many updates.

Whether you are one of the people who target the search engine Google or Bing, this comprehensive guide in the field of SEO will make you top the first page results.

What you will read today in the field of SEO, you may not have heard of it and may have heard about it. Still, you have not tried it, so everything you will see in this best SEO guide we have tried in various fields.

You will be able to lead the search engine Google as number #1 and Bing as number #2 because every search engine has something that distinguishes it from the other. Also, the methods we will use to top the Google search engine are not the same as those in the Bing search engine.

In this SEO guide, we will focus primarily on the Google search engine because it still has the largest share of searches in the world. Also, if you are a beginner and do not know anything in the field of SEO, you will be able to professionalize this field once you read this guide to the end and apply everything mentioned in it.

What is SEO?

SEO means creating websites for Search Engine Optimization or optimizing website pages according to the requirements of search engines to appear among the first results in the results of search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It depends on your site's factors to rank well in search engines.

Google did not fully disclose these factors, but by applying what we will explain today, you can reach the first rank in the search engine results. Now let’s reveal and learn the secrets of SEO:

1: Artificial Intelligence and User Experience

Google reported that artificial intelligence, or “RankBrain,” had become its third most important ranking factor. Not only that, at the beginning of this year, the site marketer team noticed that “RankBrain” had become one of the factors responsible for ranking website pages in the Google search engine.

What is RankBrain?

What exactly is “RankBrain,” and how do I improve my site to rank in the Google search engine?
It is an automated system that helps Google sort its search results. This system is based on the most critical factors: Dwell Time and CTR.
Google Rankbrain Algorithm - Best SEO Guide
Google Rankbrain Algorithm – Best SEO Guide

RankBrain is a machine learning-based search engine algorithm confirmed by Google on 26 October 2015. It helps Google to process search results and provide more relevant search results for users. In an interview in the past, Google commented that RankBrain was the third most important factor in the ranking algorithm, along with links and content.

Let's say RankBrain comes upon a word or phrase that it is unfamiliar with. In that case, the machine can guess what words or phrases might have a similar meaning and filter the result accordingly, making it more effective at handling never-before-seen search queries or keywords.

Search queries are sorted into word vectors, also known as “distributed representations,” which are close to each other in terms of linguistic similarity. RankBrain attempts to map this query into words (entities) or clusters of words with the best chance of matching it. Therefore, RankBrain tries to guess what people mean and records the results, which adapts the results to provide better user satisfaction.

Let us give a working example for you to understand “RankBrain” thoroughly and in detail.

Google 1st Page Search Results
Google 1st Page Search Results

Let’s say that the customer searched for the word “how to save money on food” and ignored result #1 and clicked on result #3, and the best part of this is that he stayed on the site for more than 5 minutes.

Here’s what happens: “RankBrain” will signal to Google that result #3 is the best result for the word ”how to save money on food.” After a week or mainly after one month, the number #3 ranked article will be number one in the Google search engine. Therefore, if you are interested in SEO, you should focus more and more on “RankBrain.”

But do not worry, “RankBrain” is not a complicated thing. It depends on only two things “how long the visitor stays on your page and CTR.”

After many experiments that we did last year and early this year, we were able to find the solution to make the customer stay on our site for the longest time. The method is straightforward if your article is not long enough.

“Go to YouTube, and search for the best video related to the topic of your article. For example, if you are talking about the “best SEO guide and the best ways to get backlinks,” search YouTube for the best sources.

Then add the video to your article (On condition that the video should be valuable and helpful to ensure that the visitor remains on your page).”

Great, we’ve now ensured that the customer stays on your page for a long time. But in the beginning, how do we make him click on our page in the Google search engine results?

You should know that all that the customer sees in the search engine is the “title and description,” so try to make them distinct to ensure that the customer will click on your page and thus raise your “CTR.”

If you are a WordPress user, we advise you to add the “Yoast Seo” or “rank math” plugins because they will enable you to modify the title and description on your site well.

If you do not have experience in “CopyWriting,” we advise you to use the “Share through” website. This site rates your article title /100, so the more than 60% of your title is evaluated, the better.

In the world of SEO, the end is only the beginning. Once you have finished writing the article, you must start creating strong backlinks and getting “Social-Signals” for any posts, whether on Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit.

In the last five years, all the criteria of Google and Bing in the search results ranking have changed, but backlinks have remained an important factor, especially in the search engine “Bing.” After many experiments, we noticed that the search engine Bing does not care much about the quality of the backlink compared to Google. Bing tends more about the number than the quality, but this does not mean you will spam your backlinks; otherwise, Google will punish your site.

In the beginning, you should know that the backlink or external link is a group of links that point to your site and are on other sites to turn the visitor of that site to your blog or site.

Backlinks Profile - Best SEO Guide
Backlinks Profile – Best SEO Guide

So if the number of links is more and more substantial, it will add strength to your site in global search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, and the most important of them is Google. It makes a difference between sites and is considered one of the essential criteria for climbing search results and reaching the top where the first results are.

An important point before starting: If your site is new and you have not seen it for months, we do not advise you to build backlinks quickly; otherwise, your site will become a source of doubts, which is not good for you.

Therefore, the best solution we have found is that if you are not working on your blog and content nowadays or it has not been updated for more than six months, it is better to rely on “Social Signals” first. After that, build your backlink to two per day maximum. This period plays on quality more than number because this period is what will determine the fate of your site in the future.

The best way to get started is through social media like Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. In this way, you guarantee to obtain a high-quality backlink and get traffic and “Social-Signals,” which have become essential factors in search engines.

1 – YouTube: If you can create video content, YouTube will be the best platform for you to send signals to search engines as well as send very targeted and high-quality traffic, and most importantly, you will get a very valuable backlink.

2 – Twitter: Twitter is the social network that has the highest impact on site results in search engines, specifically in seasonal searches that are linked to a specific time, such as searches for live broadcasts, breaking news, series, talk shows, and so on. And most importantly, the more your tweets are shared, the higher the backlink quality you will get. The important thing is that the account that will “Retweet” is somewhat old so that search engines do not suspect you.

3 – Pinterest: What do you think of getting a high-quality backlink and getting the search results out on Google Images? Two birds with one stone. If interested, we advise you to share your photos on “Pinterest.”

Pinterest differs from rival sites in the same field, such as Instagram or Flickr. That it is internally tailored for search engine bots, making it more prominent in search results than other sites that are regarded as closed communities in which the Bots do not freely move.

4 – Medium: This site is not only for obtaining a backlink. You can also take advantage of the authority of the “Medium” site and issue search results in complicated words such as “iPhone X Review” without owning a site. This site enables you to write articles on it and bring backlinks. Therefore, we advise you to write a high-quality article on your site containing more than 25,00 words, get traffic and “Social-Signals” from YouTube and Twitter, and archive it in search engines. Then go to the “Medium” website, copy the crucial points in your article, and make an “anchor-text” for the word you want to compete in for your site.

Now get backlinks, no matter what type for your article in “Medium,” which contains your site’s backlinks; archive your article in search engines so that the backlinks your site will take are archived. Wait some days and archive your site.

Let’s say, for example, that we want to make this page top search engines in the word “Best SEO Guide″. We are going to write an article that does not exceed 800-900 words in “Medium” and make an “Anchor Text” for your article in the following form for the word we want to compete in, which is “SEO.”Best SEO Guide to Get Higher Rankings in Search Engine Results.

This method is tested and guaranteed, and most importantly, you will not be penalized provided that your article in “Medium” is not the same as on your site.

5 – Tumblr: Same principle as for Medium.

6 – Pocket: Same guide for Pinterest.

7 – Reddit: This platform is considered one of the best platforms for obtaining imaginary traffic and high-quality backlinks. The more “Upvotes” are made for your site, the higher the backlink quality you will get. As we mentioned, the secret to getting “Upvotes” and visits to your site is to play on the feeling when you use titles.

You can also create an Instagram account and “Digg.” There are endless ways to get a high-quality backlink for your site, so we will cover all the points in this article that talk about SEO in general. Perhaps we will learn about all the methods in this comprehensive best SEO guide.

You should also know that to achieve good results in the field of SEO, you will need the best SEO tools to help you lead the search results. The problem is that these tools are costly and may exceed $400+ per month, so we advise you to read this SEO guide, in which we have mentioned the best free SEO tips and tools every marketer should use.

3: Paying Attention to Internal SEO

We indeed mentioned the backlinks before the internal SEO because of their importance. Still, without internal SEO, even if you have the best backlinks, you will not be able to publish the results of search engines.

1: Pay Attention to the Site's Speed

The speed of the template for your site significantly affects the ranking of search results, and perhaps someone is asking now, what is the relationship between website speed with search results?

The answer here is straightforward: you consider yourself a visitor to a site and find it very slow in loading and opening pages and images. Will you still be on this site? You will certainly get out of it. The simplest example of this is your reading of this article. It means that you continue to read until now.

It means that the site is fast; otherwise, you will not finish reading, and of course, the site being slow increases your site's bounce rate and thus will negatively affect the search results.

2: Add an Attractive Name and Description

The name and description of a blog are also essential because they focus on improving the site's internal SEO. You can put a description and title for the blog by going to the settings, from which you choose the basics, and so you write the title and description. If you use WordPress, you can use Yoast Seo or Rank Math.

Also, write a description for each post separately because this is very important in leading the search results.

Session Duration is intended to make the visitor stay on your site as long as possible, whether on the same page or other pages. Also, try to write appealingly and use images to help the reader understand your presentation. Finally, you link your articles to other articles on your site related to the topic.

3: Pay Attention to Improve Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is one thing that negatively affects any site and even prevents it from appearing in search results because search engine spiders determine your site's credibility based on the bounce rate.

What is the bounce rate? What is meant by the bounce rate is the amount of time the visitor spends on your site. Let us assume that the visitor entered the site, viewed one page, and then exited quickly. It means that the bounce rate is 100%, which is terrible because the lower the bounce rate, the better for the site.

Tips to reduce bounce rate:

  • Improve writing style
  • Constantly update your content
  • Target tags correctly
  • Attention to site coordination and design
  • Speed up page load time
  • Make the site compatible with phones
  • Credibility between you and your visitors
  • The site is compatible with various browsers
  • Insert similar topic links to your posts
  • Answer all questions that the visitor may ask in the article.

4: Optimize Your Images

Pictures and other images are great for your website. But you must ensure they are optimized if you want these images to improve your SEO ranking.

Google Image Search Factor - Best SEO Guide
Google Image Search Factor – Best SEO Guide

Through Google image search, many visitors come to your site, so always make sure to make your images on the site good, respectable, and high-quality.

In addition, include the keyword in images for better SEO and reduce the images' size to increase your site's speed.

Best SEO Guide

We are referring to factors such as the file format and size. Huge images can slow your page loading time, which, as I’ve said, hurts your ranking. Resize or compress your images to optimize them.

You can also use your images to sneak in keywords by naming them accordingly. For example, let’s say you have a website that sells shoes or other clothing products.

Instead of naming an image something like “leather shoes,” you could name it “best leather shoes for formal dress.” You can also strategically use keywords in the title of your image and the caption or description.

5: Add Your Site to Google Search Console

Google Webmaster Tools helps analyze your site, evaluate site performance, and maintain its visibility in search results. One of the most critical advantages of Webmaster Tools is to help find problems with your site and start solving them. It is vital because perhaps one of the existing problems is hindering the appearance of your site in search results.

4: Become a Niche Specialist

After the last update of Google this year, Google algorithms have left disastrous results for most of the famous sites on the world wide web that talk about everything. This update has reduced the traffic these sites get from search engines.

The purpose of this update is to show the best result for the researcher. Several Google analyses say the finest results are always at niche-focused sites. If you have a site that specializes in a specific subject, you'll find that Google traffic is growing steadily over time, given that your post is well-written and includes some backlinks.

For example, let's say we specialize in the “Health Related Niche.”

The first thing is that it is wrong, as the health field is more than a niche, but if we say we will specialize in “healthy foods,” you should not talk about sports and other things but only about foods. It is what is called a niche.

There is also a “Micro Niche,” which is the best if we say that food health is a niche. “Healthy herbs” is Micro Niche. The more professional you are, the better.

5: Always Give Your Best

After the recent updates to Google and Bing, it is no longer like a few years back. First, it was as simple as writing an article with a title and adding keywords to the content. Congratulations, you have ranked first in Google.

SEO in recent years has become somewhat complicated. The reason is not the number of articles on your site but rather the quality of one of these content.

The article’s quality is for the customer to stay as long as possible on your site and not go back and choose another result because this will affect your results in search engines.

Well, how do we write an excellent and comprehensive article?

  • 1- Search for your competitors in the search engines for your chosen word.
  • 2- Read their articles.
  • 3- Fill in the blanks in Article #1 with the information you found in Articles #2 and #3.
  • 4- Log in to the forums, and read what your audience is searching for.
  • 5- Gather information, and add it to your article.

If you have not created an article yet and want to search for the keywords “Keyword Research,” we recommend these sites:

6: SEO for Phones and Website Speed

Imagine with us that you are getting free and targeted traffic for your Shopify or WooCommerce store, but as soon as the potential customer enters, he waits 10 seconds for the download. If the client closes the page before the end of the download time, no one will be interested in your website or products in the future.

Therefore, the speed of your site is a necessity and even one of the leading Google factors. So if you are interested in SEO, pay attention to the speed of your site.

You can check your site speed here: PageSpeed Insights.

Google Page Speed Ranking Factor of SEO
Google Page Speed Ranking Factor of SEO

So, why do we say you need to optimize your website according to smartphones and devices? The reason is the revolution that the world has known. Smartphones have become in every place and time, and within the next three years, the number will double more and more.

A while ago, Google was showing search results according to the device the researcher used, so if he were using a computer, the results would be different from the results he would see if he was using a phone.

Now the matter has changed. If you can export search results for mobile users, you will be able to automatically export search results for computer users thanks to the “Mobile-First Index.”

So even if your site is not fast for computer users, it will still top search results if it is optimized for phones. How can you know if your site is mobile-compatible for better SEO rankings?

The method is straightforward. Go to: “Google’s Mobile-Friendly test” and add your site.

Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Results
Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Results

The third reason that will make you focus on the Google search engine is that all phones are Android, and they use the Google search engine as the #1 option. Google has also partnered with Apple in exchange for becoming the #1 engine that appears for iPhone users, specifically for the Safari browser.

In conclusion, Google has captured the mobile market by 95%. So, if you want to export the search results on mobile, all the content must appear in the mobile version, and the speed of the page has become necessary in the SEO of mobile phones.

Featured Snippet, or result number 0, has become marketers' dream worldwide. You should know that the percentage of “CTR” in result number 0 can reach 75% in some cases, which means the traffic is enormous.

According to a study by Semsursh, a company specializing in SEO, more than 11.3% of the search results became available on the “Featured Snippet.”

Featured Snippet Results - Best SEO Guide
Featured Snippet Results – Best SEO Guide

In summary, it is the result number #0 that Google added to the search engines. Also, with result number #0, you get a massive amount of clicks compared to the result from number 1. To appear in the “Featured Snippet,” you need some conditions: First, to raise your luck percentage to appear in result Number 0, you must first appear on the first page of Google, i.e., between result number 1 and number 10.

More than 99.58% of “Featured Snippets” are on the first page of search results. After that, put your bait so that Google meets it. In summary, you should know that a “Featured Snippet” is often an answer to a question.

According to another study conducted by “Semsursh,” the best thing you can do is ask the question in which you want result number #0 to be issued, with a direct answer to it that is limited to between 60 and 80 words.

In summary, to make sure that you appear in result number #0 as a featured snippet, you must first make sure that you appear in the first ten results. After that, ask the keyword you want to target in the form of a question in “H2” format, then ask for an answer directly below it that does not exceed 60 to 80 words.

All we have done until now is not only lead the search results but even lead the voice search results.

Google Voice Search SEO
Google Voice Search SEO

How is that? In summary, if you are not in rank 0 or rank 1, your percentage of appearance in the audio search results is zero.

The first three results in the Google search engine are the ones that have the most luck in appearing in the “Voice Search” results.

According to a study that 42% of the audio results come from results #0 featured snippet.

From this, we conclude that if the result topped #0, you would be at the top of the “Voice Search” results.

Therefore, focus on adding many questions in your article with a short answer to them, as this will increase your luck of appearing in result #0 and “Voice Search.”

Beat the Competition with These Best SEO Techniques

It’s impossible to keep up with every single Google algorithm update. Keeping track of the latest trends is helpful but difficult for a busy marketer. So the most considerable SEO technique to keep in mind is to optimize for people. 

Quit trying to write content for the search engine. Nowadays, people and experiences are at the core of every SEO technique and trick. So focus your time and energy on developing high-quality content that answers and informs your target persona. It is the foundation of any good SEO strategy. From there, use the essential SEO techniques we mentioned here to refine, tinker, and optimize your efforts.

Nicholes Henry
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